Tom is a Marketing Mentor who started his first business at age 24 and has gone on to start and sell four others, taking two of them international. In that time he’s managed teams of over 100 people and annual revenue of more than 20 million.

These days Tom’s thing is “Leadsology: The Science of Being in Demand” which is a blended learning program that gives professional advisors a model for generating a flow of high-quality, inbound, new client enquiries into their businesses almost every week of the year.

Over 2000 business owners across 193 different industries and 4 continents have been through his programs and many have gone on to add millions to their earnings and their testimonials are available on his website

Tom’s work has been published in 27 countries and he’s also shared international speaking platforms with the likes of Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame, Richard Koch from the 80-20 Principle, Brian Tracy and many others.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Why Tom believes in “marketing for the invisible” and how it has worked for him
What makes an effective marketing message vs an ineffective marketing message
Tom’s “Sprint System” for generating quality leads quickly and easily
The “Just Show Up” marketing system and how it can work for you
Dog Personality vs. a Cat Personality and their roles in business
Why your lead generation system has to fit the personality of the person who owns that system
The importance of delegating to an assistant so you can focus on your business
Why you need to stick to milking cows instead of mice…An analogy worth learning…
Stop wasting time, how to use effective marketing to narrow your prospects and focus your efforts.
Try Tom’s Five Hour Challenge that will generate 5 leads for you within 5 days