Brandon Gaunce was notified in November of 2013 that his corporate job position was being eliminated and his options included relocating within the US or taking a demotion to stay in his hometown and face a 2 hour one way commute to and from work daily and he needed to decide by May of 2014.

During that time, he met Mitch Stephen who expressed with empathy that there could be another option if he was willing to be a good student and put in lots and lots of effort! Brandon chose this option and became a student of Mitch’s while taking on a part time job to help ease the transition.

2014 was a tough year, but Brandon and his family made it through successfully by doing just 3 deals and now, a short 3 years later, Brandon has carved out his own little niche in real estate. Coupled with Mitch’s Owner Finance Model, Brandon is averaging 40-50 property acquisitions per year and has an annual income 4 times that of his previous corporate job and a net worth of close to 1 million dollars. He is forever grateful that God put Mitch in his life and doesn’t know where he would be today otherwise!

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
Brandon’s story and how he made his career with his back up against the wall
Lowering your overhead with the Moat Theory
How to track down potential sellers of vacant properties
Staying patient when business is slow
Achieving success using private money lenders
Creative strategies for buying and flipping properties with other people’s money
What Brandon’s first 4 years in real estate investing have been like
What to do when a deal falls through
Eliminating your fear of failure
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