Mac Ford Jr. is from Baltimore, Maryland and graduated from University of Mississippi with a degree in Managerial Finance. After graduation, he started in the insurance sector. He saw an opportunity to be a mentee under Mitch and decided to take full advantage. He has been in the real estate field for a little over a year and has grown a true passion for the industry. With Mitch’s guidance and expertise, he is turning many problem properties into revenue churning vehicles via owner finance.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
The predicament that Mac was in and how he got there
Why you should find a good property manager to work with
The value of finding tenants who will stay and take care of the property
How marketing has helped substantially with Mac’s properties
What Mac’s negative cash-flow was 12 months ago and how it’s improved
How LiveComm was instrumental in helping Mac to sell properties
Why finding a qualified buyer is so difficult
How Mac turned things around with the properties that he was buying
The power of changing your mindset
The importance of just sticking with it and seeing things through