David Lecko is the CEO of DealMachine — a real estate investing app that puts you in touch with any property owner via direct mail, phone, and email. Next time you are out and about and you see a house that looks abandoned or interesting, simply take a picture of it with the DealMachine App to instantly see who owns it. Then choose your contact method and get in touch with the owner and offer to buy it. DealMachine launched in the summer of 2017, and users report making as much as $25,000 over the last 4 months by looking for houses on their commutes that appear run down and contacting the owner via dealmachine and then selling the properties to an investor. Since using DealMachine at least one user has quit his job with the income earned from using DealMachine.

David turned to real estate to free up his time in order to create apps like DealMachine that solve real-world problems. On a mission to find financial independence, with a single real estate deal, David was able to reduce his living expenses to effectively $0 earlier this year, freeing up his time to quit his 9-5 job and work on DealMachine.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
How to fully automate your house-buying systems
How spending $1.25 can make your business much more profitable
Reaching out to owners of the houses you want to buy, immediately!
Why automated letters, with follow-ups, help drive your business
Using the DealMachine app to help you grow your real estate business automatically
How to modernize the systems you have in place
Making more deals in less time with DealMachine
How this data-driven app helps you learn which deals are worth pursuing
Is driving for dollars a completely outmoded strategy?
How to streamline your systems to grow your profit and efficiency
How the DealMachine mobile app is going to revolutionize and more fully automate real estate
Why some business expenses are more than worth their cost