Ari Page is the owner and CEO of Fund&Grow. Fund&Grow helps small businesses and real estate investors get significant funding (up to $250,000 and more) at zero percent interest via creative credit card financing. To date, the Company has raised over $350M in credit for its small business clients.

When Ari acquired the Company in 2009, revenues were modest and the company was rife with customer service issues. Due to his ingenuity in finding creative ways for small businesses to acquire funding, Fund&Grow grew 450% in five years, despite the great recession. Today, customer satisfaction is at an all-time high, and the company boasts an A+ Better Business Bureau rating.

Ari’s approach to employees, affiliates and vendors is the same – treat people with kindness, respect and care, go out of your way for them, and everybody wins. It’s this attitude that has given Fund&Grow outstanding relationships with major financial institutions such as Chase and Bank of America, as well as Nationally Renowned Speakers and Affiliates such as The Icon Builder David T. Fagan, Bryan Ellis Investing, Jerry Norton, Kent Clothier, Mitch Stephen, Lex Levinrad, GrowThink, Financial Freedom Foundation, Merchant Banking Resources and many others. These win-win relationships have allowed the Company to achieve year-over-year growth with minimal advertising expense.

Under Ari’s leadership, the Company has invested heavily, and successfully, in systematizing processes and in using technology to streamline everything from financial reporting to customer service.

Civic minded, Ari believes in giving back in proportion to what one has received. To that end, the Company engages in various philanthropic endeavors, including One Percent for the Planet, which has companies like Fund&Grow donate one percent of their gross revenues to environmentally conscious causes.

Ari resides in Spring Hill, Florida with his wife, Maja, and their two children.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:
New & exciting software improvements at Fund & Grow
Why you need to keep stake within your company
Why you don’t need business credit cards to get funding
How Fund & Grow does the card stacking process for you
The key to keeping card stacking off of your personal credit report
How you can improve your chances of getting approved for a business credit card account
Why using unsecured credit is the way to go
The power of being able to use your own credit & utilizing banks to build it
How customer relations management software can benefit you
How the amount of funding is skyrocketing, even for people with low credit scores