After Lee developed his highly acclaimed Foreclosure and Short Sale Courses, he began to speak all over the country on these two profitable strategies. In all of his travels, he was constantly bombarded by the same question, “Where do I get the money”? Tired of seeing dreams dashed over something so simple, Lee immediately set out to create the most comprehensive curriculum on the subject of Private Money ever compiled in one place.

Recently featured in Forbes, the Boston Globe, Market Watch, Reuters, and Businessweek as a leading investment strategy expert and as a consultant to Donald Trump’s “Trump University”, Lee Arnold has built a personal fortune with private and hard money transactions. As a Real Estate Broker and Lender of both Private and Hard Money, Lee Arnold has helped countless people in the United States and Canada successfully and lucratively obtain the capital they need to be successful in real estate investment. A master at networking, Lee connects investors to lenders from all over the United States and Canada.

Lee created The Lee Arnold System of Real Estate Investing to teach clients how to translate workbook education and real estate theory into the real world of real estate investment success. However, after years of teaching and mentoring around the nation, he found that education doesn’t mean a lick if the person being taught doesn’t have the capital to put their knowledge into genuine action. Lee already had access to capital, but his students didn’t.

So, Lee took the challenge and created Cogo Capital®, where real estate investors could go for unlimited funds for their non-owner occupied investments. Since then, Lee has been involved in over 1 Billion Dollars-worth of real estate deals with clients.

While the progression seemed natural, they were missing one, very large and essential piece of the pie. The marketplace was teeming with people who had the funds, who aspired to make higher returns on their invested dollar but lacked the desire to get involved in real estate at the ground level.

In light of this opportunity came Secured Investment Corp, which gave people the training they needed to safely lend on first trust liens (real estate), and make higher returns than they were currently seeing in their stock market, bank CDs, or bond investments. As they combined all these facets—training, funding, and the education to lend on real property—they began to notice a progressing trend of growth and success with the clients involved.

Through this model, what they call “The Circle of Wealth,” they noticed that people who entered in at the training level and borrowed funds for their real estate investments eventually became lenders in their own right. They then helped others obtain the capital needed to grow their real estate portfolios. This allowed everyone, on every side, to succeed.

It is their goal that everyone can enjoy some level of success in The Circle of Wealth, and inevitably lap it several times over.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

Lee’s story about how he began working with private money

The solution Lee created when he realized some people were looking for money but had deals, while other people had money but didn’t know where to put it

Why the strategy of using private money is beneficial for many people

Lee’s understanding of owner financing and why that is important to real estate investors

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered: how Lee uses this mantra to drive the way he works with investors

Why business is about long term, not short term

An amazing, limited time, special offer on Lee’s audio series about how to wholesale property and get paid more

A strategy to build capital that is easily available to you

How to make a quarter of a million dollars in liquid cash in 12 months without using your own money

Multiple benefits of wholesaling

Examples of different scenarios where it’s better to borrow money and where it’s better to use your own money

Why you shouldn’t come to Lee if you only have a “mind deal”

The importance of communication and how it can help you if you need to extend your loan

An example of how to free up money by using a community bank

Compliance and why it’s imperative you understand the rules and regulations

Why cutting corners will only make you constantly turn around and fight battles from your past

What money is attracted to and how to use that knowledge to your benefit

How following the golden rule can give you success in your business

The truth behind common real estate clichés


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