Mark Twain famously stated “Buy land. They don’t make it anymore.” That’s good advice, but what do you do if you want to create cash flow with land? Our guest on today’s show has figure out how to do that.


Michelle Bosch, is the Co-founder and CFO for Orbit Investments and is a full-time real estate investor since 2002. She and her partner Jack Bosch, have bought and sold over 4000 pieces of real estate and built the 3rd largest land investment and auction company in the US. In 2009 they started building and now hold a portfolio of 50 single family homes in 3 markets.

In 2008 they also started an Education company focusing on teaching others how to invest in Land. In 2016 she founded and launched The Ultimate Boardroom for high achieving real estate investors. Since 2016 she has been investing in Multi Family and her company is positioned for rapid growth with a portfolio of over 250 units.


Host Monick Halm is the founder of Real Estate Investor Goddesses online community, and bestselling author of “The Real Estate Investor Goddess Handbook.” She has over 12 years of residential real estate investing experience in single family, multi-family, mobile home parks, and flipping. With her husband and their investors, she owns over 1200 rental doors. She delights in adding value for her investors and tenants through improved management and the targeted remodeling and rehabbing of properties.

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