How would you like access to the same 3 bankruptcy secrets that DONALD TRUMP used to BUILD his real estate empire and then PROTECT that $10 BILLION in net worth when disaster struck? I’ve got them right here in black and white today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 36. Whether you love Donald Trump or hate him, you can’t deny he’s a real live real estate empire-building success. Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to the same secret legal loopholes in the banking and real estate systems that Trump used to not only BUILD his real estate empire but then also protect it from BANKRUPTCY when that $10-BILLION empire was threatened? Imagine being able to access the same secret, high-level “underworld” in real estate that Donald Trump and other insiders use to buy properties for pennies on the dollar. Imagine shining a spotlight on the LEGAL but INVISIBLE transactions that go on in that world every day not just when it comes to getting shockingly low prices on residential real estate, but also on commercial deals, condos, vacant lots, businesses, oil and mineral rights, vehicles, expensive, valuable jewelry, and many more types of investments as well. You’ve seen Donald Trump. Do you know (and you should KNOW) that you could do the exact same types of things he does in his business in yours if you had the same set of operating instructions? You know you could. And here they are…This powerful information comes firsthand from a pair of long-time, extremely experienced bankruptcy attorneys named JT and Manny. I spoke to the two of them at length and went through their preliminary training (more on that later) in order to compile this powerful list of secrets. JT and Manny have been bankruptcy attorneys for decades, and they “speak the language,” as it were, when it comes to navigating the court systems and the federal bureaucracy in order to shine light in dark places and, as JT puts it, “pick up the properties when they fall out of the system” (he means buying for as low as 10 percent of retail value, by the way, so keep listening!). JT and Manny have learned through their experiences in bankruptcy courts and related real estate negotiations here are three key things that you must be able to do in order to gain access to this real estate underworld. First, JT explained, you must identify inefficiencies in the system (of bankruptcy) and be able to spot good deals. We’ll get a little more into this in a minute, but essentially you need to know where in the course of a bankruptcy an individual may lose control of properties and then, furthermore, where the BANK AND CREDITORS lose control of those properties (hello federal government)! Know where those cracks exist, and you’re on your way in. JT described a number of scenarios when this can happen, including during a foreclosure process, when properties are in receivership, and after an initial bankruptcy filing.Next, it’s important to know what your options are. Most real estate investors concentrate, naturally enough, on real estate. But when you’re dealing with the dark side of bankruptcy, there are a lot more investing options at stake. Residential real estate, commercial real estate, appreciating assets like fine jewelry and art, and, REALLY INTERESTINGLY, time shares (which, if you have an outlet to sell them at a profit, many times can be purchased for basically nothing while making you very, VERY valuable to banks and trustees), and even more. You need to know your options, then know your strategy well enough to focus in the right direction or the true wealth of opportunity will literally overwhelm you. Back to Trump for a second: Sure, he’s got a diverse portfolio, but boy can the guy stay on message. He’s all about real estate and, lately, all about his version of fixing the country. Whether you like what he’s saying or not, you can definitely take a lesson in focus from him, because when he’s on message that message is all you’ll hear from him. Period. Do the same thing with your investing strategy, and you’ll go far.Finally, you need to know the language in order to work within the system and snag these opportunities as they come by. JT gave some interesting examples, including understanding how to talk in court and to banks about SURRENDERED PROPERTIES, what defines Chapter 7 bankruptcies (the most important for your purposes), and why it’s so vital to understand when a debtor has and has not achieved straight bankruptcy and liquidation – essentially meaning that the bankruptcy court has given them a fresh start.Now here’s the deal. We’ve got more than an hour of solid content from this training, and I’m eager to present it to you. However, at this time, JT and Manny mainly appear live, which means if you’re in the Atlanta area this Monday, April 11, 2016 then you need to swing by the GaREIA April general meeting at 5:30pm at the Wyndam Atlanta Galleria on Powers Ferry Road. I’ll be there to hear JT and Manny as well, and I’d love for you to swing by, take a listen, and of course, shake your hand! You’ll get so much out of their presentation, and GaREIA offers huge opportunity for new and experienced investors alike in the form of hundreds of hours of education, the opportunity to present and do deals with hundreds of investors, and one-of-a-kind access to the movers and shakers in the Atlanta and wider Georgia markets.If you’re not in the Atlanta area, no worries. I’ve got something for you, too. Head on over, right now, to www.REI.Today/bankrupctysecrets (no spaces between bankruptcy and secrets) and sign up for our daily trainings on the subject. Just like you’re accustomed to with REI Today, we’ll keep these nuggets short, sweet, and insanely useful and easy to implement. So don’t feel left out! Visit www.REI.Today/bankruptcysecrets and get started exploring this real estate underworld today.Not yet a member at REI Today? No worries! text REITODAY no spaces, no periods, to 33444 I’ll provide you with fast, immediate access to all sorts of great trainings, news coverage, interviews, and lot more timely information that will help make your investing safer, faster, and more profitable.And remember, when you do that, you’ll also be able to GROW YOUR NETWORK by interacting with me and your fellow listeners to REI Today… so stop by to ask questions, make comments and network with other investors across the country. Text REITODAY no spaces no periods to 33444 or head over to www.REI.Today/Vault right now.I sure hope to see you in person this Monday, April 11, and until then, REI Nation, always remember this:Your best investment is your own education.

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