I know there’s a lot of real estate investors out there who are a little afraid to explore the realm of private lenders. That’s why I’ve brought Heather Dreves on the show today. She works with a private lender - Secured Investment Corp – and she’s spent decades working the ins and outs of the lending business. She’s seen real estate investors succeed and fail, and she herself has a few learning experiences to share, and all of it inspired her to pursue real estate investment! So if a private lender can venture into our area of expertise, all of us real estate investors can benefit from her knowledge as well. [youtube]https://youtu.be/yliwZ4wWwVg[/youtube] Heather enjoys lending money to self-employed entrepreneurs and their families. Watching people succeed in their business motivates her, and that’s why she and her lending team focus on transparency, mentorship, and making sure their people make their money back. She learned early on that focusing on the bottom line was not enough to sustain a business, and after foreclosures and property taxes caught up with many of her clients, she decided to change her approach. Now, seminars, classes, and success and accountability programs are all ways Heather and Secured Investment Corp are insuring that their clients earn all their money back (and then some).