My guest today is about to drop some juicy nuggets of knowledge, and a little bit of motivation. Andy McFarland comes from my Collective Genius mastermind group, and this guy is dominating real estate investment. Although he’s based out of Utah, he’s crushing it in the markets of three different states. That’s right, three! How can one person balance all of that and still take time to be with their family and nurture their own personal growth? [youtube][/youtube] Andy breaks down his inspiration and his motivation in today’s episode, and he shares a few pointers that can help you balance your business with your life. What we both focus on is our personal growth, and when you channel that kind of energy into your real estate investment strategies, you will really start to notice success grow across all parts of your life. From marketing, to investment, to family and friends, Andy’s got a handle on it all. [Tweet "Slow and steady, don’t take money from this thinking that real estate’s always going to go up "] MINUTE MARKERS: 3:30 - Andy breaks down his area of expertise in real estate investment 4:04 - How Andy got involved in real estate 4:45 - You’d never guess where Andy got his entrepreneurial start 6:00 - Andy’s “enough is enough” moment 8:02 - What inspired Andy to pursue real estate professionally? 9:49 - The biggest mistake Andy made in real estate (and what you can learn from it) 11:45 - Andy’s best investment strategies (and it’s something you’ve never heard before!) 12:30 - How to nail Single Task Marketing 13:28 - What marketing niche works best across different states? 14:40 - How Andy sets up his business across three different states 18:14 - Recruiting the best team to build your business 19:25 - Andy’s advice for running a successful real estate business 20:55 - What would Andy tell his 22 year old self? 22:16 - The top 2 motivational quotes that drive Andy toward success 23:47 - Andy reads A LOT and gives his book recommendations 26:25 - Why The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People is so important to this business 29:22 - Andy’s top 3 favorite apps 30:47 - Setting a price for business based on your terms (with book AND app recommendations) 32:19 - Andy’s morning routine 34:19 - Life lessons from Andy’s experience with family and business 36:19 - What is Andy most grateful for? 36:53 - Don’t hire a coach until you want to be successful 38:43 - Andy breaks down what drives him to pursue this business 40:03 - Andy and his brother have a pet project: [Tweet "I kind of view my real estate business as more of like the Henry Ford assembly line process "] Links and Resources: Get in touch with Andy over at his website. He loves feedback, questions, and comments, and don’t forget to follow the channel on YouTube. Rich Dad Poor Dad both changed our perspectives on business. Dropbox app Voxer app 10bii financial calculator app at iTunes and Google Play And before you use that calculator, Andy recommends checking out the book Invest in Debt to help you calculate your finances correctly and efficiently. Full Transcript Download the PDF Transcription Cory: What is going on, people? This is Cory Boatright. I'm the founder of and your host here on Profit Master Podcast Series. We have an incredible real estate investor, name is Andy McFarland. He’s down in Utah and he is just dominating and crunching it right now. What’s he doing? He’s going into different markets, different states, and being successful at flipping properties, and actually dominating those particular areas. You're going to want to pay attention on how he’s doing that. Also, I think that was pretty interesting on how he does his memorization technique in the morning, make sure you pay attention to that as well. It’s a very jam-packed interview that you're going to absolutely get a to...