Today I’ve brought the Lease Option Ninjas on the show to give a little insight into what it’s like to flip contracts, not houses.  Jay and Annie Adkins are working the real estate scene from their small town right outside of Columbus, Ohio. They got their first taste of real estate when they started leasing their family home.

“Commit with a renewed conviction to do your best work, be the best person you can and serve others by helping better their lives.”

They’ve been in the game together a long time, and they’ve had their fair share of experiences – some good, some bad, but always worth learning from. They talk about their biggest inspirations and their biggest mistakes, and there’s so many little lessons in today’s interview that you can’t miss it.


How Jay and Annie are crushing it in real estate today
What inspired their start in the real estate business
The biggest struggles Jay and Annie have faced in the business and in life
Learn from a few of Jay and Annie’s mistakes so you can avoid them
Finding new perspectives and new ways to pursue your market
The different tools Jay, Annie, and I use to stay organized

“We feel blessed that we have the opportunity to help [others] accomplish their goals and dreams.”

Links and Resources:

‘Vision Focused Life – Living with Extreme Purpose’ is their new book and it’s out in January 2016! Get a sneak peek online at and on Facebook at

You can get in contact with both Jay and Annie through email [email protected] [email protected]

And look for Jay on Facebook at


Ask Cory A Question

Want to get in touch with Cory and ask him your most burning Real Estate Investing question?  We’ve made it super easy for you.  Just head over to our Ask Cory A Question page and start recording.  Cory will play your question live on an upcoming show and answer it personally.

Who Do You Want To Hear From?

Name some folks I should get on the show! Hit me up: [email protected] and I’ll do my best to get them on.

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