If the market in your area is overheated, how do you find deals? Virtual wholesaling is liberating because it doesn’t tie you down to a saturated location, and it lets you reach a market that may be better than your own. I talk with Greg Helbeck today about his remote real estate deals, and how he’s perfected finding the right leads using direct mailers.
Greg’s extensive experience in New York state means he understands when a house is really a deal. He breaks down for us the benefits that New York’s investor attorneys provide in a real estate closing because no one can steal a deal from you at the closing. Greg’s built a system with local agents, investor attorneys, VAs, and local JV partners that allows him to operate from anywhere in the world.
We’re going to say this loud and clear for the guys in the back: Direct mail is not dead! Greg and I both love the marketing side of this business, and we have a lot of experience in direct mailings. We trade ideas about the Doodle postcard versus the 3rd Notice postcard, and how important it is to direct mail to targeted niches that are (and this is absolutely key!) trackable.
According to Greg, the best lists for direct mail right now are:
—The Tax Delinquent List
—Kent Clothier Motivated Seller List
—Unknown Equity List
—Prop Stream List
If you want to partner with a local guy in another state, start generating leads today and then go looking for them. If you lead with value, investors will be thrilled to see you coming because they know that you’re not all full of talk.
Running a business virtually means you have to be tight on the numbers. Greg can rattle off exact details like his cost per lead or the exact spread on each house he’s looking at. He’s not guessing at what works, he knows. If you want to make the remote thing work for you, take a page from Greg’s book: stop guessing and start tracking your numbers precisely.
What’s inside:
—How to find quality leads using targeted niche marketing
—How to run a virtual wholesaling business from anywhere in the world
—Using direct mail marketing is still relevant in a high-tech world, and Greg Helbeck breaks down his numbers to show us just how it’s working for him.
