Check out my title for this episode – this is sooo important. “What if” questions lead to a dead end – I call them “anticipatory” questions. They anticipate circumstances that will, chances are, never, ever happen. It’s wondering what might happen.

If success is important to you, stop asking the “what if” questions. Instead, keep asking “what’s next.” “What’s next” questions keep you moving forward.

I’ve found that investors who keep asking “what if” are probably not doing deals. Unfortunate, I know. (I was that guy at one point in time!)

Don’t worry about steps 7 and 8, if you’ve not completed steps 2 or 3. Don’t overthink this or get ahead of yourself.

What is the only thing you need to be concerned about? The next thing! In this episode, we’re talking about that, and I’m giving you a detailed example of how this would actually work in a deal.