Thanks for joining us for Part 22 of our podcast that focuses on the basics – keeping your business running smoothly by remembering not to overcomplicate things.

I am joined once again by Peter Vekselman, my business partner and friend, who is crushing it in Atlanta – and has recently figured out a genius way to grow his business in a massive way.

And that’s actually the focus of today’s episode. Peter will explain how he was able to look at his business model and reverse a process that has had a huge impact on his business in a positive way.

You’ll hear Peter explain his ‘trifecta’ expansion model, how it involves working very closely with Realtors, how he’s able to profit from ‘dead leads,’ why face-to-face negotiations with sellers are always preferred, two main reasons why the model Peter used to use as his strategy wasn’t working as well as his new model… and… why Peter thinks his new model could be the wave of the future in REI.

Really powerful episode today that will make you think about your business in a whole new way.