Something special is coming down your pipeline, as Alex and I interview Rob Swanson yet again. (Make sure you check out episode #149 for Part 1.) Get this – today’s unique episode is 2 hours long. Yep, you read that right – 2 hours. Why so long? Because in this Part 2 of Rob pulling back the curtain on his updated and enhanced version of FreedomSoft, he holds nothing back. Rob purchased FreedomSoft about a year ago, and the revamping and improvements that he’s done have to be seen, or rather heard in this case, to be believed. As I mentioned in Part 1, Rob’s business mantra is threefold:

Keep it simple
Build a system
Let it scale

He brought this concept into his revised version of FreedomSoft, which now serves as a business center for all facets of real estate investing. Alex and I ask plenty of questions as we walk through every stage of this amazing software program.