Jacqui Letran is an Author, Speaker, Mindset Mentor and the Host of the Stop the Bully Within podcast. Jacqui’s Words of Wisdom for Teens Book Series won multiple awards and is often regarded as “must read” books for teens and young adults struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

Through her one-on-one sessions, workshops, keynotes as well as her books and podcast, Jacqui teaches that success and happiness are achievable by all, regardless of current struggles and circumstances. Jacqui is a gifted and energetic leader who dedicates her life’s work to help her clients and students transform their inner critic into their best friend and cheerleader, so they can create that powerful and resilient mindset needed to be happy and successful in life, no matter what your age.

In this episode, we talk about:


6 Ways to Transform Your Inner Critical Voice (FREE PDF)

Jacqui's website

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