Melissa Seaman joins us in an exciting interview to show us how we can balance intuition and intellect as you manage your rentals. 

Melissa is a Stanford educated lawyer who has been able to transform herself into an intuitive executive coach. She specializes in bringing out the creative genius in leaders across many industries in the USA and beyond. She does a lot of work in the Silicon Valley, assisting leaders in the tech industry achieve their creative intuition and genius. 

Melissa is also an author of a forthcoming book, Genius Incarnate and the creator of the Soul Gift System where one can find out what their intuition is and what their soul gift is. 

Her interest in real estate is profound, and she explains to us how she identifies with her potential renters through understanding their soul gifts. She shows us how we can apply the same technique to our own real estate investments and find the right renters who sync with our own soul gifts.

On this episode of Real Estate Investing for Women here's what we discussed:



Soul Gift System:

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