Camilla joins us in the lab having worn multiple hats as a transaction coordinator, process improvement specialist, Human Resources tech professional, music conservatory, owner of Choice Properties and Steady Stream Investments, and a mother of 5 and still considers herself an introvert.

While Camilla experimented in single family, cosmetic rehabs while engaging her children in the process, in retrospect she wishes she would have known about the benefits of passive investing with a general partner to get similar if not better returns with less headaches and work. Today she does both and is an advocate for passive investing and active investing as a general partner. Her mission is to share with other investors especially women that you can be a GP or LP and still be successful as an introverted investor. You don’t need to go against the grain and knock on doors and cold call to be successful.

With 18 years of experience in a diverse array of real estate models and businesses, today Camilla makes it a point to educate other busy professionals on how to invest in real estate to secure their financial future. She is uniquely positioned to coach and guide investors to scale and diversify their investments in a style most suitable to them — the introverted way.

In this episode, you will get a chance to discover your own blinds spots as an investor like Camilla did to see that there is a better way and not one way of investing. If you want to be successful in the ascension and progression of your real estate business and life, whether you are an introvert or not, you’ll get key insights to enhancing the experiments you build day to day in your own lab.


3:37 - Background of the guest

5:22 - How to tackle a new opportunity

8:52 - Learning Property Management

11:52 - How instruments work different parts of your brain

15:06 - Steady Keys Investments


17:33 - Being able to work outside your comfort zone

22:56 - Nature vs Nurture

25:50 - What is an entrepreneur?

29:31 - Seek out five different things that would work out for you

31:05 - Having a lot of mentors

34:45 - Choosing a perspective

37:46 - Big shift in the business

42:19 - Transitioning to big apartments

46:32 - Finding the right groups of investors

51:03 - How to learn and start navigating the business

55:35 - Life is never balance

57:16 - More about the guest


"Entrepreneur is willing to have the courage to tackle things on their own, without someone else telling them that they have to do it, without taking direction from other people. They see a problem and they're willing to go out and solve that problem"

"You can seek out five different ways and pick the best one that suits you and then you can move your business forward on that but don't spend all this time relying only on your own brain, you don't know what you don't know"


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#Introvert #PassiveInvesting #Investor