You only have one chance to tell people how you do business.   You counter any dollar, they're going to counter you for the rest of your life." -Bruce Norris 


Today I am interviewing Bruce Norris on how he got started in real estate investing. He is the founder of The Norris Group and has  three plus decades in the field.  His beyond extensive background has an abundance of experiences and stories that have led him to have such an expansive career in real estate. Bruce was one of the pioneers who predicted and prepared for the 2008 downturn also known as The Great Depression of Real Estate. It was his research and data that gave investors the signal to pull out before the big crash. He is a renowned forcaster, educator, national speaker, economist and investor. He is the host of a radio show called The Norris Group Real Estate Radio Show as well as a provider of many well noted resources that include training, workshops and seminars. The Norris Group also offers tons of free resources like COIVID real estate resources, a real estate dictionary, foreclosure laws and much more. 


Bruce Norris: Began his real estate career as an acquisition expert after he was an electrical salesman for six years. Realizing his experience at his job was all he really needed to get started, Bruce took off in the real estate field and never looked back. Alongside being an acquisitions expert, he was also a flipper and developer. The Norris group now invests in real estate and funds millions in hard money lending every month in southern California and and Florida. 


How The Norris Group got started How life experience translates into the real estate buying business  Why being an electrical salesman taught Bruce how to talk to people  How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie How to practice believing what you say Consistency in integrity  How to develop a solid reputation  How he got started in acquisitions Cultivating discipline Jack Fullerton Be willing to walk away from a deal  How to be on both sides of the buying process Know when you're making a mistake  How he transitioned from an acquisitions expert to a flipper and developer Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki


Listen now and find out how Bruce found his Real Estate Breakthrough!

The Real Estate Breakthrough Show with Christina Suter is where we talk about the reality of real estate, the mindset you need and the tips and tricks to get you moving forward in investing. Join us every week and learn everything you need to know to invest in real estate education and create real wealth for a lifetime.



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