Former philosophy professor turned seminar leader, lover of great books, strength coach, and polymath Karl Schudt joins the podcast to talk about art. What is it anyway? You'd think artists would know, but philosophers have long grappled with this question and found that great artists don't necessarily have great insight into this question. Nevertheless, it's worth asking and exploring, Karl says, because artists can wield great power... hopefully for good!


Karl Schudt leads seminars at Online Great Books, an online program that pairs readers into small groups which together read through the great books of Western Civilization. Karl also co-hosts a podcast about great books by the same name. When he's not leading seminars, recording podcasts, or reading, you can find him at the gym, where he coaches people to get stronger and fitter. He also coaches online at Barbell Logic Online Coaching.


Online Great Books


Online Great Books Podcast




Barbell Logic Online Coaching


Karl's Blog


Books Mentioned in This Podcast

Plato's Republic

Art & Scholasticism by Jacques Maritain

Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas