One of our favorite discussions at the recent USRowing Convention was with Ted Benford, executive director of Community Rowing, arguably the largest rowing club in the world, depending on how you're counting - Members? Rowing hours? Number of boats?.

Ted started at CRI more than 25 years ago as a volunteer and coach and went on to serve as president of the board and as a trustee. In May of 2016, Ted was hired as Director of Operations and served as Interim Executive Director until his selection as Executive Director in August of 2018.

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Burnham Boat Slings - mention the podcast at a regatta for some Burnham swag!Resolute Racing & Sykes USA - our producer rows a LW Sykes - try it out on the Charles River!GoodInklings Web Design & Management - mention the podcast for a free website audit!Pierce Press Publishing & Podcasting - wholesale discounts to 55% for podcast listeners!

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photo credit: CRI