Ready, Row! USA #84: Rowing to Recovery

We all know that rowing is low-impact, requires mindfulness and focus, builds physical strength and stamina. For recovery from breast cancer to physical injury to addiction to PTSD and other aspects of mental health, rowing is uniquely suited as  a tool to regain and maintain a healthy mind and body. Guest host Ami Mehr,  Head of the Charles Race Director with an empowering survival story of her own, will be talking with survivors and experts from programs like Recovery on Water, Head of the Charles Regatta, Row for the Cure to see how they leverage these benefits to achieve recovery from physical and mental challenges.


Producer & Distributor: Pierce PressHead of the Charles RegattaRecovery on WaterWe Can RowRow for the CurePocock Rowing FoundationSponsor: Science of Rowing

All video, audio, and text content under Ready, Row! USA or ReadyRowUSA is the property of  Pierce Press ( All rights reserved. This episode was also distributed by Rowing.Chat in 2020 with the permission of Pierce Press. Please contact the publisher for permissions & underwriting opportunities.