No one likes to talk about the protection side of money, but what if taking care of those issues upfront left you free to ENJOY your money? Today's guest Jenifer Sapel believes in protecting your money first to allow you to enjoy it. She even named her company, Utor Wealth, after the Latin word for enjoy!

It wasn't always this way for Jenifer. Her earliest memories of money were based in fear, anxiety, and scarcity. The phrase she heard most often as a child related to money was "We can't afford it."

Determined to forge a different path, she worked hard to be financially secure at a young age. She took it even further when she pivoted her career into financial services. Today, she's all about showing people how to use money as a tool to live richly. 

This episode is for everyone who has a family to protect - regardless of how much money you have and whether you are currently with an income or not. 

In this episode, you'll hear:

Who convinced her that a commission-only job could work How she gave herself 2 years herself to succeed Why an acquisition where she was employed created the perfect time to start her own business The difference between a financial advisor and investment advisor Why employer disability insurance will never cover your entire income. Why a mom without an income should consider life insurance Why Jenifer blends opportunity funds with emergency funds Why rate of return is not your only indication of financial health How much you should optimally be saving once you have your safety net in place Her thoughts on the gender pay gap when you return to work Why she believes you are the best investment you'll ever make

Mentioned in this episode: 

Utor Wealth

CFP Board

Smart Asset