
Your WakeUp Call begins when you start to challenge conventional thinking. When you empower yourself to break free from the daily grind. When you choose to design your own lifestyle and economy. 

In this episode, we dive into the journey of our guest Susan Geist, and her husband who achieved financial freedom and left their traditional nine-to-five jobs. We explore their path to financial independence, starting from childhood experiences to navigating the challenges of the corporate world.

From unconventional housing strategies to venturing into real estate investments, Susan shares valuable insights and lessons learned along the way. The episode highlights the importance of financial education, tax optimization strategies, and diversifying investment portfolios. Moreover, Susan discusses the significance of empowering women in achieving financial independence, breaking societal norms, and fostering economic empowerment.


Key Takeaways:

Start Early: Childhood experiences and early financial goals can shape long-term financial independence aspirations. Unconventional Strategies: Creative housing hacks and leveraging per diem benefits can accelerate savings and investment opportunities. Diversification: Building a diversified investment portfolio, including real estate, stocks, and alternative investments, helps mitigate risks and optimize returns. Tax Optimization: Understanding tax strategies, such as cost segregation, bonus depreciation, and tax loss harvesting, can significantly reduce tax burdens and enhance cash flow. Empowering Women: Empowering women with financial education and resources enables them to break free from societal constraints, pursue financial independence, and contribute to economic empowerment and gender equality.


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About Today’s Guest:

Susan Geist, PMP, is a financial empowerment advocate with a passion for helping women achieve financial independence. Growing up in a lower-income family in East Tennessee, Susan witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by women due to a lack of financial education and resources. Determined to break this cycle, Susan embarked on a journey of self-education and empowerment.

Armed with degrees in math and environmental toxicology, Susan started investing in her early twenties, gradually building a multi-million-dollar investment portfolio that generates six-figure passive income annually. Through her own experiences navigating taxes and investments, Susan has developed expertise in legal tax strategies, successfully lowering her tax bill by $100K while continuing to grow her wealth. As a certified Holistic Financial Planning Coach, Susan is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their finances, offering guidance on wealth accumulation and aligning financial strategies with their life goals and dreams.