Your WakeUp Call begins when you start to challenge conventional thinking. When you empower yourself to break free from the daily grind. When you choose to design your own lifestyle and economy. 

Join us on "Career Breakthroughs and Financial Independence" as Paul explores the journey of Brad, a self-made expert in the world of Salesforce, who went from a cattle farm in West Georgia to financial independence by the age of 31.

Discover how Brad's unconventional path led him to become a sought-after talent in the tech space and how he transitioned from freelancing to founding Talent Stacker, a company dedicated to helping others achieve career success in the tech industry.

Key Points From This Episode: 


Rural Upbringing: Brad's rural childhood on a West Georgia cattle farm shaped his strong work ethic. College Struggles: Despite excelling academically, Brad faced challenges in finding a job after college. Salesforce Discovery: A temp job at a bank leads Brad to discover Salesforce, altering his career path. Freelancing Success: Brad achieved financial independence at 31 by freelancing in Salesforce consulting. Talent Stacker's Origin: Brad found Talent Stacker from a Facebook group, helping people enter the tech space. Scaling Impact: Brad scales his impact by offering free courses and creating a YouTube channel through Talent Stacker. Lifestyle Design: Brad emphasizes lifestyle design, financial independence, and sharing knowledge. Future of Talent Stacker: Brad discusses his aspirations for Talent Stacker, evolving to help individuals in the tech industry.


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About Today’s Guest:

Bradly Rice, the visionary behind Talent Stacker, draws from his rural upbringing, overcoming college challenges, and discovering Salesforce during a temp job. Achieving financial independence at 31 through freelancing, he founded Talent Stacker after recognizing its potential in a tech-focused Facebook group. Brad scales impact through free courses and a YouTube presence, emphasizing lifestyle design and financial independence. With a commitment to innovation, he envisions Talent Stacker as a transformative force in guiding individuals through the dynamic tech industry, showcasing resilience and a passion for empowering others.