Your WakeUp Call begins when you start to challenge conventional thinking. When you empower yourself to break free from the daily grind. When you choose to design your own lifestyle and economy. 


On this episode of “The Wake-Up Call”, host Paul Thompson interviews performance and leadership coach, JM Ryerson, on his passion for podcasting and authentic conversations. They delve into the importance of morning routines, mindset, and biohacking. 


JM talks at length with Paul about his love for reading and how it translates to his writing process. Along with his expertise in leadership, the conversation also touches on the significance of leading oneself before leading others, and how the way you begin your day impacts your wellbeing, and overall personal growth and development. 


Key Points From This Episode: 


Morning routines are essential in priming oneself for the day. Incorporating gratitude, meditation, and physical activity can set the tone for a productive day.

Growth mindset, grit, and gratitude, are crucial in achieving one's goals.

Reading is a habit that not only provides knowledge and learning but has a meditative effect on the mind.

“Ground” your body by touching base with nature when feeling lost.

Authentic conversations, like those in podcasting, can unveil fascinating insights and perspectives from people you may think you already know.

Leading oneself, focusing on personal growth and development, is crucial before becoming an effective leader of others.


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About today's guest:

JM Ryerson is a performance and leadership coach who focuses on helping individuals through coaching, speaking, and writing. He is the CEO of Let's Go Win and co-author of two books, "Let's Go Win: The Keys to Living Your Best Life Every Day" and "From Success to Significance: The Strategy to Build a High-Performance Life."