Episode 47 features Tonia Saunders, who leads both workforce and economic development in Lucas County, Ohio. This Work Ready Community (WRC) integrated the two disciplines, emphasizing the role of collaboration with neighboring counties to enhance the region's competitiveness. Tonia shares insights on tackling workforce challenges, leveraging community partnerships and innovative strategies to serve the manufacturing and healthcare industries effectively. The episode highlights the success of Lucas County's WRC initiative, showcasing how it drives economic growth and improves employment opportunities through targeted employer
engagement and comprehensive support services. This conversation underlines the importance of synergy between workforce and economic development in achieving regional prosperity.

Voices of Excellence in Episode 47:

Tonia Saunders, Director

Work Ready Lucas County and Lucas County, Ohio Planning and Development


Show Notes and Resources:

WRC Profile of Lucas County, Ohio
Workforce Summit Overview from ACT       
ACT Work Ready Communities
ACT Workforce Solutions
Transcript of Episode 47