Discover how WorkBay®, a technology firm founded by CEO Mary Hayes and COO Alice Hayes, is making a difference in career navigation both regionally and nationally. WorkBay integrates the skills-first approach of the workforce ecosystem and their innovations in this area are revolutionizing career exploration and navigation. During a recent Work Ready Communities Live event, Mary and Alice shared insights about the latest pilots with ACT® and how WorkBay is integrating WorkKeys benchmarks into user-friendly platforms in regions and targeted initiatives across the U.S.  WorkBay successfully tackled the technological challenges of serving returning citizens with pre-release activities. By combining high-tech solutions with a personal touch, WorkBay provides career navigation that truly matters.

Voices of Excellence on Episode 39

Mary Hayes, CEO, WorkBay
Alice Hayes, COO, WorkBay


Show Notes, Resources, and Transcript for Episode 39
ACT Workforce Summit Agenda and Registration
ACT Work Ready Communities
ACT Workforce Solutions