Workforce ecosystem leaders encounter plenty of challenging layers to disaster recovery and economic resiliency.  ACT curated a five-part toolkit with a framework we call ALEDA.  We covered the Adapt phase in Episode 22. In this installment, we explore the Lead and Engage phases. 

We have an interview with Lisa Rice, a former Workforce Director turned leadership consultant. Lisa offers perspectives on three qualities of a leader in disaster recovery, and advice for those new to skills-based recovery systems. 

Mike Longo, a workforce director in the certified Work Ready Community of Lorain County, Ohio.  Through the OhioMeansJobs centers, Mike’s team deployed the Make Your Lay Off Pay Off initiative.  Mike shares lessons learned from the last economic downturn, and how they reformed training and quality standards in their deployment.  

Guests and Contributors

Lisa Rice, Every Strength Counts
Mike Longo, Lorain County Workforce Agency and OhioMeansJobs Center
Ed Morrison, Agile Strategy Lab and co-author of Strategic Doing


Sign up for the ACT Toolkits on Skills-Based Hiring for Recovery and Resiliency
Every Strength Counts Leadership Development, Consulting, Peer Engagement
Lorain County OhioMeansJobs
ACT Case Study on Ohio Re-Employment Success in Lorain County/Northern Ohio
ACT Case Study on Ohio Statewide Re-Employment Success
Episode 22: Adapt Phase of ALEDA Framework (Part 1 of 3)
Episode 24: Deploy and Analyze Phases of ALEDA Framework (Part 3 of 3)
Episode 4: Getting Strategic About Doing
Agile Strategy Lab
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ACT Workforce Solutions
ACT Work Ready Communities