Work Ready Communities (WRC) from ACT is a framework for community-based workforce development to drive economic growth. Regions improve their workforce and compete on quality for location consultants, investors, and other decision-makers using data powered by the WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate. Episode 18 of the Ready for Work podcast showcased Site Selection Magazine’s annual State of the States reports and the Regional Workforce Development Climate rankings. The WRC website has a helpful article on economic development as well.

Why does an organization invest millions of dollars in one area versus an another? It very well may come down to the area’s workforce.

A lot of factors go into choosing a site, and a smart, skilled workforce is right at the top of the list. That’s why Site Selection magazine delivers relevant data/information on the topic for over 44,000 readers, including corporate executives, site selection consultants, and real estate professionals.

According to Mark Arend, Editor in Chief of Site Selection, it’s one thing to say, “We have a terrific workforce.” It’s another thing to prove it—and by publishing unbiased data, that’s what Site Selection does.

On this episode, we cover:

An overview of the site selection process
Purpose of the publication’s popular State of the States report
The role of the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®) as the indicator of workforce quality at a location

Economic development impacts us all—in urban and rural areas across America. Listen as Mark Arend discusses more about this topic, along with some of the challenges he sees ahead.

Join the Conversation

Mark Arend: LinkedIn

Site Selection Magazine: LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook

Jasen Jones Twitter: @JasenCJones

ACT Twitter: @act

ACT Workforce Solutions: LinkedIn


Site Selection Magazine: State of the States

Site Selection Magazine: Regional Workforce Rankings

Economic Development in Work Ready Communities

ACT WorkKeys®

ACT WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®)

ACT Work Ready Communities

ACT Workforce Solutions

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