There was a time when monogamy and marriage with 2 children and the house with a white picket fence was the only real option women felt they had. But times are changing and that’s just not really a fact anymore. More and more women and couples are choosing to have a relationship that includes consensual non-monogamy. Recently I discussed this with Angela Skurtu, a marriage and sex therapist from St Louis. That has turned into one of my most listened to shows and highly ranked on my iTunes page. In this show, she’s back and we’ll discuss why more women are choosing non-monogamy.

Thursday, at 6 pm PT/9 pm ET

Listen on – Click on “Click to Play”

Or listen on the TuneIn App on Mobile Devices – on “New Visions Radio”

If you miss the show and replays, check out the archive below

About Angela Skurtu –

Angela Skurtu is a Licensed Marriage Therapist and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist. She is author of two books, “Helping Couples Overcome Infidelity,” and “Pre-Marital Counseling: A Guide for Clinicians.” She is also the host of a podcast about sex at

Angela Skurtu’s Links

Business: www.TherapistinStLouis.comPodcast www.aboutsexpodcast.comMy Facebook Page: Channel:
Angela Skurtu’s Books –

Helping Couples Overcome Infidelity and Pre-Marital Counseling: A Guide for Clinicians

Several Books We Mentioned About Non-Monogamy

Opening Up – Tristan Taormino

Paperback  – –
Ethical Slut – Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton

Paperback – –
The Therapist’s Guide to Consensual Nonmonogamy – Rhea Orion

Paperback – –