On this podcast we discuss a serious topic that many people know few facts about. That topic is human trafficking – sexual trafficking and labor trafficking. The stats will shock you and disgust. It is a much more prevalent concern than most people realize.

I saw a notice that Nancy Hartwell was available to be interviewed about human trafficking and it seemed like a unique topic, but I had no idea about the scope of the problem until I started doing some research for the show. Do you remember the story of the man in Cleveland Ohio that kept 3 young women hostage for years? That is just one of many stories throughout the country.

I highly recommend people tune in to learn more and to be more aware of what’s happening around us. I would bet the people on that street in Cleveland wish they had had any idea what was happening next door to them…

 Show airs Thursday, December 29, 2022, at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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        Click below after the show to hear the archive. (www.lovecoachjourney.com/humantrafficking)

If you miss the show – the replay for the show is below –

Some topics we’ll discuss –

What is human trafficking?Is it a problem in the US?Who are likely victims?How are victims recruited?How are they controlled?Why don’t they just leave?Types of trafficking?How do I recognize a victim?How can I help someone I suspect is a victim?Why are we still talking about human trafficking and the slave trade?Didn’t we deal with this AGES ago?Who are the principal targets?What are some common ways that traffickers operate?What are some of the sneaky ways they get around Don’t talk to strangers?What can parents DO? How do we protect our childrenAccess the free course on human trafficking and slavery that we talked about – 


About Nancy Hartwell –

Nancy Hartwell is an internationally recognized authority on human trafficking, most particularly the 21st Century slave trade largely focused on the oil-rich states of the Persian Gulf.

She has written three books on the subject, forming her Human Trafficking Series. The flagship book, Harem Slave, became number one in its category on Amazon merely five weeks after its release, and it has reached number 7 in All Fiction on Amazon — nearly 3 million titles. Books 2 and 3, Prince Ibrahim’s Favorite and Voices from the Harem, are also perennial best-sellers.

She grew up in Tampa, Florida, earned a degree in international relations from The American University in Washington, DC, and married a prominent attorney from Cameroon, where she lived and worked for more than 14 years. Upon her return to the US, she worked on Capitol Hill for The Washington Post (7 years) and was lead proposal writer for an international consulting firm (15 years). She has had radio plays produced by both the BBC and by ORTF (France).

She became fascinated — and horrified — by human trafficking when a German friend of hers disappeared, and it was later rumored that she had been sold to a sultan in Libya.

For more information visit Nancy’s website – http://www.nancyhartwell.com/