For the last several months the United States has been under COVID-19 restrictions to stay home, social distance and avoid touching others and limit touching things – and when we do touch things, we need to use hand sanitizer. At this point, more and more doctors are coming forward and saying these things are going to start having detrimental effects and they could have long-term detrimental effects.

On this show Dr Susan Kaye and I will talk about the various types of touch, the background of touch, how we can be in touch, how early in our lives touch is important and much more.

Premiering Thursdays at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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For more information about Dr Susan Kaye – visit

Some things we discuss –

Cliches and/or Quotes Around Touch:

Reach out and Touch someone.  Stay in Touch.   Let’s Touch Base. 

Out of Touch.   Touch and Go.  Touch of Class.  Add a touch of sugar. 

Touched in the head.  Touching someone’s life.  One Touch (appliances)   Touch Down.  Touch Up.  Don’t Touch That!


“If you are touched by something it makes you feel, sad, sympathetic or grateful.”

“Touch has a memory.” – John Keats

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch… which has the potential to turn a life around.”  Leo Buscaglia

“To be able to feel the lightest touch really is a gift.” Christopher Reeves

Ashley Montagu: Book: The Significance the Human Skin

Being in Touch, Being out of Touch.  First with ourselves and secondly with others.  What do you mean by that?

Is there science around the need for touch and impact if we are not touched?

The chemistry of touch?

How do you think the “do not touch” mandate we have been living under for the past 3 months has affected us both for today and future?

You have said We are out of touch with our humanity. What does that mean to you? to us? what to do about it?