What would you do or say if your child or a child you care about came to you and asked for your support when they transition? It could happen and your response will be critical. And your next moves will also be very important for both of you. This week on this show, I have a conversation with “Christina Anne” about her journey with her child. She started a blog to share their experiences and she decided to turn the blog into a book to share with other parents to help them. The book is titled Our Transgender Journey. Feel free to join us – I learned some interesting things and look forward to sharing them with you.

 Premiering Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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If you missed the premier and replays – the archive is posted below. (www.lovecoachjourney.com/sam)

Some Questions We Discussed –

Why did you write the book?How old was Sam when he came out to you?What was your reaction?Were there signs early on that he wanted to transition?How did you manage that with his school?How did his friends react?How did your family react?Where did you go for help and support for Sam?Where did you go for help and support for yourself?What tips would you offer to parents who are facing the same thing with their child?How is Sam today?
Contact Information –

[email protected]

My website is www.ourtransgenderjourney.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourtransgenderjourney/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ourtransgenderjourney

About Our Transgender Journey –

“Our Transgender Journey” is one parent’s story as she helps her pre-teen daughter transition to a teenage son. The journey takes you from the beginning to the end of the process with all the frustrations, fears, and joys you encounter. If you or someone you know needs to understand the transgender journey, this book is for you.

About “Christina Anne” –

I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, and went to public schools. I have an undergrad degree in Math from an HBCU and an MBA in Marketing from a State university. My career has been spent in sales and marketing positions in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, currently, I’m an Account Manager for a healthcare company. Before going back to school for my MBA, I was a casino dealer, which was an interesting time. My dad died when I was in high school so my mother raised my older brother, 2 younger sisters, and me. We’re a close family and always support each other. I love to travel, have hit the majority of places on my bucket list, and am planning a trip to Egypt this year with some friends. I’m vegan-ish, meaning like vegans I don’t eat dairy but unlike them, I eat fish.