Do you want/need for Love and Joy in your life? Even when we are happy in our lives, who would turn down more love and joy? I wouldn’t! My guest on this show is Melinda Joy Miller. I first heard about Melinda Joy, when Susan Kaye and I were writing Am I Normal If? She has worked and studied with Melinda Joy and learned much from her. about the Sacred teachings of the Ancient Seneca traditions, Melinda Joy learned from Grandma Twlyah over the years. When I heard about that… I had to talk with her. We talk about Love and Joy this evening and I’ve scheduled to have her come back in April 2023 to discuss Shamanic Gardening, in time for gardening season. (Let me know if you’d be interested in a follow-up show for your questions. [email protected])

Show premieres Thursday, December15, 2022, at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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Contact Melinda Joy Miller –

Founder 1991 Shambhalla Institute   –   352.638.2617 phone

Email: [email protected]                             


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About Melinda Joy Miller –

Author, Speaker, Wellness coach, Master Light Practitioner, Feng Shui, and Clearing Toxicity from home or any type of land. For the past 40 years her transformational classes, retreats, and lectures have blended ancient thousand-year-old technologies with modern concepts that reflect new research on brain, memory skills, healing systems and mindfulness.

Melinda Joy founded Shambhalla Institute in 1991for the study and application of how the environment directly impacts one’s quality of life. From 40 years involvement with healing arts, energetic space clearing, and permaculture, Melinda Joy teaches and lectures on Feng Shui, Shamanic Gardening, and four levels of training for Light Energetics Practitioner. 

Author of two books: can be purchased Light Tools Store:

            – Shine the Light: A Personal Journey with Cancer & the Light  

            – Shamanic Gardening: Timeless Techniques for the Modern Sustainable Garden

            – Rainbow Dancer: Positive Thought, Imagery and Exercise for Self-Esteem, Inner Peace and Caring for the Earth. (Being republished)

As a pioneer in the field of feng shui, Melinda Joy was first to fuse psychological principles acquired in studies leading to an Anthropology degree, shaman studies, ancient and traditional gardening methods with modern permaculture – ultimately establishing three dynamic fields of study … Shamanic Gardening, Shambhalla Feng Shui, and Shambhalla Light Energetics Practitioner.

Shine the Light, written in an accessible style is a beautiful blend of ancient healing practices and modern research on wellness. For easy access to wellness techniques, the book includes eleven sections or short chapters. From how to prepare to heal, home wellness, ancient forgiveness ritual, find solutions, manifest wellbeing, dowse for health and more with clear explanations, poignant examples, and personal stories. Readers love the beautiful illustrations throughout the book that are special exercises we call Mimages.