Loving yourself can be much more involved than we think initially. It gets even more involved when you decide to make major changes in your life and you’re in a relationship or when you consider how it will impact family members. In the last Ready for Love episode Grace Bryant and I talked about making the decision to make changes in your life. This week we talk about how those changes can impact your relationship and your family members – and it will. That does NOT mean you shouldn’t make changes. It does mean you need to be prepared and you need to consider what these changes mean for you AND for the people you care about.

Loving yourself is at the heart of my Love Accept and Respect Yourself Program which is one of the main reasons I started this radio show. Tonight, my guest, Grace Bryant and I will dig deep and discuss just what it means to love yourself. We will talk about self-love, self-acceptance, authenticity, co-dependency and much more. You won’t want to miss it. If you missed our discussion about What it Means to Love Yourself it is archived here – http://www.lovecoachjourney.com/loveyourself

 Some of the things we discuss –

How do we show ourselves compassion when we’re learning how to make choices from a place of Love?How can you love your family if you dislike yourself and you project that onto them?Sometimes in intimate partnerships/relationships we make decisions because we want to feel love from others. Is this self-love? Or something else?What’s the difference between giving and receiving Love?Explain the difference between a validation or an open Love?What does it mean to be authentic?How do we see our flaws and imperfections and accept all of it? Without feeling resigned or disappointed in the things we want to change?
Love Accept and Respect Yourself Program by Nikki Leigh – Click Here

About Grace Bryant – 

Grace Bryant is a relationship and sexuality coach, retreat facilitator and yoga-meditation instructor. She is currently residing in Seattle and often ventures to wherever in the world her work is desired. She has been a whole life educator for nearly 2 decades, integrating drama, music, movement, meditation and yoga, mindful living, creative play, teamwork, conscious collaboration and leadership. Her Yogic path began in 2005 when her sister dragged her (kicking and screaming) to a Yoga class. She fell in love with savasana and came back just for relaxation.

In 2007, she was inspired to start teaching informally and since then has studied and taught in 6 countries and devoted her entire life to the journey of awakening. Grace recently completed the Hridaya Teacher Training in Mexico and is beyond grateful to have received the teachings of Advaita Tantra and the Spiritual Heart. She believes these teachings can transform the consciousness of anyone who practices them sincerely.

Grace’s favorite classes are those which expand consciousness and also incorporate how to live with more awareness, trust and compassion. She leads coachings, classes, discussion groups, workshops, women’s groups, and retreats in the Pacific Northwest and abroad with a focus on living with an open heart. With the support of her teachers and worldwide communities, she continues to unfold into a deep sense of peace and trust and hopes to share this in her teachings.

My first interview with Grace was delving into Polyamory – it was a great discussion. You can listen to it here – http://www.lovecoachjourney.com/delvingpolyamory