What does it mean to have a Life Design? We discuss that on this episode of Ready for Love Radio with my guest Shana Francesca. It is an interesting concept and it’s also interesting to hear how she made the shift from interior design to life design. Join us for this and much more. Details below on the topics and questions we will discuss and the dates and times you can hear the show, plus an archive of the show will be posted.

 The show premieres Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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        Click below after the show to hear the archive. (www.lovecoachjourney.com/lifedesign)

Questions We Discuss –

What is Life Design?

How did your interior design work transition into Life Design?

What is the role of curiosity in your work?

At what point did you realize the power to transform people’s lives in your work?

In what ways are you designing your own life?

Why did you start your business?

Who are your heroes/mentors?

What has your healing journey look like?

Where did your business name Concinnate come from and what does it mean?

Contact Information:


[email protected]

About Shana Francesca, Concinnate LLC

Shana Francesca is a speaker, writer and entrepreneur.  Shana has been interviewed on more than 50 podcasts worldwide and has been published in Medium, Authority Magazine & Shoutout LA and emotional intelligence + magazine.  She helps people live more joyful and connected lives through the principles of life design.  Shana believes our present and future are transformed when we infuse our lives with intention, we design our lives and realize the power in accepting ourselves as the author of our story.