Dr Marty Klein author of His Porn Her Pain visits Ready for Love radio for this podcast. Dr Klein joins me for an interesting conversation about his new book and the current “porn panic”. He also explains the reasoning for the title of his book. Dr Klein has spoken nationally and internationally about these topics and I’m very pleased to have him with me to share his insights with us. Is porn panic really about porn? Is watching porn scientifically proven to be harmful? Is porn addictive? Does porn make people violent? Look below for some of the questions I asked Dr Klein, information about the book and his bio.

 Raising America’s Porn Literacy–in a Time of PornPanic

Why a book about “His Porn, Her Pain?”Are you pro-porn?Don’t you understand the emotional pain people are in about porn?What do you mean by porn literacy? Can you give some examples? Please talk about your Porn Literacy Checklist.How do you feel about kids getting their sex ed from porn?What can we do to help kids whose sex ed is mostly porn?At what age do you think kids should watch porn?What do you think about kids sexting?What do you mean by narratives of porn, and what do you mean there’s been a dramatic social change about this?What do you mean that “the voice of porn consumers is missing” in the cultural conversation about porn?You say that when we talk about porn, we’re usually talking about other things. Can you give some examples?What’s the role of sexual fantasy and of masturbation in porn use, and in the discussion about porn?Visit Dr Klein’s websites for more information www.sexed.org and www.martyklein.com

About His Porn Her Pain When you were logging onto the Internet in the 1990s, did you ever wonder “What do you suppose would happen if America were flooded with free, high-quality pornography?” We now know the answer, as this is exactly what took place 15 years ago. But this knowledge hasn’t enabled us to deal with porn intelligently.

This practical, innovative book describes today’s porn, and how we respond to it, including:

How couples can deal productively with conflict about one partner’s porn use;How parents can help their kids deal with troubling images they might see—and reduce parents’ anxiety in the process;What people can do if they’re concerned about their own porn use—and why “porn addiction” is the WRONG approach;The actual content of most porn (in contrast with the exaggerated, mythical content);The historic change in America’s anti-porn critique: from an immorality problem (porn is dangerous for the user) to a public health danger (porn is dangerous for everyone), inviting a whole new group of stakeholders to fight porn’s existence.This book shows that for most people, porn is NOT the real problem. What are we really talking about when we talk about porn? This fast-paced book provides thought-provoking answers.

About Dr Marty Klein – 

Marty Klein, PhD, has been a Certified Sex Therapist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 34
years. He has written seven books about sexuality, including the recent Sexual Intelligence and the award-winning America’s War On Sex.

Klein has given more than 700 keynote speeches, training programs, and lectures across North America, Europe, and Asia. He has presented seminars on various aspects of pornography for groups including the American Psychological Association, American Academy of Psychotherapists, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Study Center, and the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.

A respected policy analyst, Klein has been an expert witness or invited plaintiff in many state, federal, and international court cases. He has also presented two Congressional briefings on evidence-based school sex education.

His innovative ideas about Porn Literacy for young people have captured the attention of sex educators across the country. He has been honored by many professional groups, including the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. For 15 years, he has written and published the blog and monthly electronic newsletter Sexual Intelligence, an oft-cited source of information and opinion about sex, media, culture, and politics. Frequently appearing in popular media such as The New Yorker, Huffington Post, NPR, 20/20, and The Daily Show, Dr. Klein was recently profiled by The New York Times as a “renegade of couples therapy,” a followup to his NYT profile in 2012 helping parents discuss porn with kids.