About two and a half years ago I personally discovered what it was like to experience a major heart medical crisis. It is unbelievable that pretty much every facet of my life was impacted and changed overnight. I mention elements of that from time to time on the show, how thankful I am to be alive and the ongoing challenges. I’m certainly not alone. This show is very personal to me and definitely a labor of love, those are two reasons, its the perfect show to air on Valentine’s week. And my listeners know I love to do something “out of the box” for Valentine’s Day 🙂

Dr Stacy Fisher, a cardiologist from the University of Maryland is joining me for a no holds barred discussion about love, sex, intimacy and the heart. We’ll be discussing questions about the heart, surgery, heart trouble, heart attack, aortic disorders, aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm and more – and how it impacts your relationship intimacy and yes, sex.

Shows air Thursday 6 pm PT/9 pm ET

Listen on www.newvisionsradio.com 

Or TuneIn or Nobex Apps on Mobile “New Visions Radio”

For a reminder, visit the Facebook Event page – https://www.facebook.com/events/1665885443479187/

For more information about Aortic Dissection, Aortic Aneurysm and my story, I’d invite you to visit my website http://www.aorticdissectionawareness.com

Nikki’s Aortic Dissection Story & Your Health Journal – http://amzn.to/2s85XSI

Signs of a Heart Attack in Women – http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/WarningSignsofaHeartAttack/Heart-Attack-Symptoms-in-Women_UCM_436448_Article.jsp#.WoORYainHIU
Warning Signs of Heart Failure – http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartFailure/WarningSignsforHeartFailure/Warning-Signs-for-Heart-Failure_UCM_002045_Article.jsp#.WoOVAqinHIU 
American Heart Association Website – http://www.heart.org
AboutAortic Hope is a non-profit organization founded by a community of survivors living with Aortic Disease and its impacts. We provide support and generate hope for survivors, new patients and caregivers alike.

About Dr. Stacy Fisher – Director of Women’s & Complex Heart Disease, Associate Professor in Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine“

I entered cardiology with an interest in caring for adult congenital heart patients and sought training in the special needs of this patient group throughout my career.  I practiced for almost 10 years in the community (Baltimore and North) in a cardiology group that at its largest had 70 cardiologists spanning a 12 hospital network and then joined the University of Maryland School of Medicine in January 2011 to start an adult congenital heart program and enhance women’s heart programs.” – Dr Stacy Fisher
Aortic Hope – I’d like to give a shout out and thank you to Carin Sue Anderson from Aortic Hope for helping me connect with Dr Fisher for today’s show. Please take a look at the Facebook page for Aortic Hope. They are doing great things to help spread the word about Aortic conditions and believe me its important work. This is their information –

CONTACT INFO @aortichope [email protected] https://www.paypal.me/aortichope
Special thank you to Michelle Brown, lead singer of Sawdust Road for permission to use their song “If Wishes Were Kisses” to close out the show today. Thank you my friend!
