Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a thief. ED takes away physical and emotional intimacy. ED steals your confidence in the bedroom. ED robs you of your manhood. ED walks off with your self-esteem. Left untreated, ED has the power and potential to destroy lives, and end relationships.

FullSizeRender (3)Join me for a conversation with Rick Redner and his wife Brenda Redner. They lived this experience, from his diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer, to temporary impotence and a diagnosis of permanent impotence and his search for options. Some of his answers honestly left me speechless and reminded me of my desire to share my story of survival and to educate people about my recent health scare. Its amazing to me that doctors aren’t more forthcoming about the information he had to find on his own – and that he an Brenda are sharing in the pages of their book and on this interview.

This show will air on Ready for Love Radio

Thursday August 25th

6 pm Pacific/9 pm Eastern

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Some of the questions we discussed –

What led to your experience with erectile dysfunction?How did erectile dysfunction impact you as a man? (to Rick)How did erectile dysfunction impact you as a woman? (to Brenda)How did ED affect your relationship?Were you able to maintain intimacy in your relationship?What treatments did you try for your ED?Which worked and which didn’t?How did you find out about penile implants?How did you feel about the idea of penile implants? (to Brenda)Brenda – how did your attitude change over time about the implant surgery?How did Brenda’s support help Rick?How do penile implants compare to sex before cancer surgery?Rick & Brenda guide men and couples through depression, grief and the inevitable relational conflicts that occur when individuals and couples are forced to cope with ED. They set couples on a path to discover healthy ways to think about, talk about, live with, or cure erectile dysfunction. Men and couples will discover that enjoyable sex doesn’t end with the onset of ED, and that a new and exciting sex life is possible with or without a penile implant.


AND PENILE IMPLANTS End Your Silence, Sadness, Suffering, and Shame

by Rick & Brenda Redner

Part self-help book, part memoir, and part specialized health guide, Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants was written with three goals in mind. The first is to help men and couples know how to recognize and overcome the various roadblocks that prevent them seeking help with erectile dysfunction. Secondly, to provide men and couples healthy ways to think, talk about, live with, or cure erectile dysfunction. Thirdly, to provide men with the information about a surgical procedure that cures erectile dysfunction and help them to determine whether to seek a consultation with a health care provider to learn more penile implant surgery

About Rick Redner and Brenda Redner:

Rick Redner received his master’s degree in social work from Michigan State University. He was the Director of Social Work at a local hospital. He’s worked as a dialysis social worker, a psychiatric social worker, and as an adoption intake social worker. He’s spent the last thirty-five years owning and operating two sandwich shops.

Brenda Redner received her RN/BSN at Michigan State University. She has worked in oncology, home health nursing, psychiatric nursing, and teaching. She home-schooled each of the couple’s four children.

A year after Rick received the diagnosis of prostate cancer at age fifty-seven, Rick & Brenda wrote their award-winning book: I Left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where’s Yours? Four years later they wrote their second book: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Erectile Dysfunction and Penile Implants



Finding an Implant Surgeon:

Contact Rick or Brenda [email protected]