Do any of these things sound familiar? “The first sign things were not completely right was highlighted shortly after having children when physical symptoms appeared including a lack of restful, good-quality sleep and general lack of ability to function “normally”. As with a great number of new moms, I put it down to having 2 young children and a husband who worked away from Monday to Friday and spent much of the weekend pursuing his own interests.

In around 2013 things intensified and I found myself needing 3-hour naps in the afternoon to get through the day – a very unlikely behavior for someone who was usually a motivated, self-starter with loads of energy. As with many people in our modern life, I ignored the signs and pushed on through putting it down to the “changing weather” or a “phase” I was going through.”

My guest, Amanda Kate, found the answers and much more. We’ll share them with you on this show – premiering Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT (US). The recording will be posted below at 10 pm ET, right after the show ends.

 Show Premieres Thursday March 2nd, 2023 at 9 pm ET/8 pm CT/7 pm MT/6 pm PT

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Questions and Topics We Will Discuss –

Why did you call your book Divine. Messy. Human?Can you please define trauma for me?How does trauma impact the body? What is the role of curiosity in healing? I’ve heard you call healing “wholing”, what do you mean by that? How did your relationship change during this process?How has your idea of love and relationships changed as you’ve learned more about yourself?What shifted in your relationship paradigm to help you manifest your current relationship? Prioritizing Internal Truth over External InfluenceThe paradox of SpiritualityWhat Spirituality isTrauma and how the body stores it
Contact Info:

Divine Messy Human –

A Spiritual Guide to Prioritising Internal Truth over External Influence

Soar from self-loathing to self-acceptance, self-love and self-empowerment

We come to this Earth, and leave this Earth, in our most Divine state.

We develop, inherit and embody messiness – the beliefs and programming that do not serve our Divinity but create our individuality.

We learn to bow to external influence to keep ourselves safe and protected within our tribe. And we all too regularly silence our inner knowing, heart and soul for fear of rejection.

All this makes us the perfectly balanced humans we are – equal parts Divine and Messy.

Within these pages are realisations, tools and techniques that I discovered, and still use, in my personal journey from self-loathing to self-love and deep connection to the Divine. With these simple strategies, we can all create Quantum leaps in life, love and abundance.

All About Amanda Kate –

Author of “Divine. Messy. Human. A Spiritual Guide to Prioritising Internal Truth over External Influence”, Kinesiologist, Mentor, Archetypal Life Coach, Mother and more. 

A recovering people-pleaser and self-flagellator, she walks the path straddling the Divine and Messy daily. Always growing, developing and learning new ways of being to, hopefully, one day leave the Earth better than she found it.

She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her twin flame, her children, his children and a dog named Zeus.