Difficult people can be a part of life, but some people are more difficult than others. There are times when we need to take a close look at our relationship and determine if we need to make changes and take action for our well-being. This is especially true for parents. My guest Dr Rhoberta Shaler will explain how to identify what she calls “Hijackals”, how they effect us, what we need to do about them, much more and she is offering a free gift below. This is a show that I would really encourage people to share with friends or family that may need to hear it. As always a replay of the show will be posted here after the show premiers

 Get your FREE copy of the How to Spot a Jackal e-book by visiting www.hijackals.com

1. When things go sideways in a relationship, they can range from annoying to downright crazy-making. When do I know I need help?
2. What is a “lack of equity” in a relationship?
3. What’s the difference between difficult people and chronically difficult people?
4. How do you define “Hijackals?”
5. What are the top few ways you can know if you’re with or related to a hijackal?
6. What’s the first thing a person needs to do if they recognize they are with a Hijackal?
7. Is it always necessary–or a good idea–to leave a Hijackal?
8. What is it that makes you attractive to Hijackals?
9. What happens when 2 Hijackals get together?
10. How can you stop this pattern and what does it take?


About Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, The Relationship Help Doctor, offers urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis at home and at work globally through her consulting, speaking, video, and writing.

Dr. Shaler calms the turbulence of troubled relationships. She creates the insights, skills and space for new beginnings and positive re-connections. She offers the insights and pattern-breaking skills that lead to blame-free, game-free, non-manipulative relationships.

A prolific author, her sixteenth book, Escaping the Hijackal™Trap, helps the partners, exes, and adult children of relentlessly difficult, disturbing people save their sanity and stop the crazy-making. Her fifteenth book, Kaizen for Couples™: Smart Steps to Save, Sustain & Strengthen Your Relationship, is the summary of a lifetime of insights developed from working with real people confronting the real life challenges of living and loving together. It offers workable solutions to twenty-first century relationship issues and a new proven model for living the loving relationship you most want. 

Dr. Shaler’s work has been featured on FoxNews, PsychCentral, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, The Good Men Project, eHarmony, Care2, Greatist, Pulse, and The Needs, among many others. Her YouTube channel, ForRelationshipHelp is an evergreen source of practical insights and tips for relationships.