We’ve heard of highly sensitive people, but do you understand what that means? Do you know if you’re a highly sensitive person? And, if you are highly sensitive, do you know how to manage that in your daily life? If you answered no to any of those questions – you NEED to hear this interview.

My guest is Jane Donovan, a relationship coach, and a highly sensitive person, from Australia. She’s lived with this trait and has not only learned how to manage it but has taught her daughters and many other people how to manage high sensitivity in their daily lives. Each of us has our own set of struggles in life and we have to learn how to manage those struggles. Jane has wonderful advice that she’s prepared to share and we will share a wealth of resources with you too.

 Thursdays 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

Airing on www.newvisionsradio.com 

 Some of the questions we talk about –

What is the highly sensitive person?How do you know if you are?What are the challenges?What are the gifts?What is inauthenticity?How to support and love someone who is highly sensitive?Do highly sensitive people sometimes overcompensate?How does anxiety factor into being highly sensitive?Challenges and tools to help parent a highly sensitive childJane offers a course to help people learn to manage their high sensitivity and she is offering my listeners a 25% discount. This is the link http://www.janedonovan.com.au/free-to-be-me and add a notation “ready for love” so she know you’re a listener. Any questions – her contact info is below. 

Think you may be a highly sensitive person – take a short test and download free resources here 


Ways to Contact Jane Donovan 

Website URL – www.janedonovan.com.au

Radio show – www.lovelifeshow.com

Facebook URL – www.facebook.com/janesloveshack

Twitter Name – www.twitter.com/janedonovan

About Jane Donovan in her own words – 

I am a love coach, radio host, presenter, author, columnist and matchmaker. I live in Adelaide, South Australia with my husband of 20 years, Simon and my two teenage girls, Tara and Zoe who motivate me to be the best version of me I can be. ​Clients call me ‘the magician’. Radio stations call me the Love Doctor and the Love Guru however I describe myself as a love, happiness, dating and relationship coach who works for the love Gods and Angels. I am the author of two books on love, ‘Thoughts on Love, Life and all that Jazz’ and ‘Tough Love, Getting the Date’.

My story is that I grew up as a highly sensitive child where the world overwhelmed me. A natural born extrovert, and eager to embrace all life had to offer with pure joy, I observed cruelty everywhere, everyone seemed capable of being, well just mean or inconsiderate and so I learnt some toxic ways to co-exist side by side with people. This led to self destructive behaviour that required some serious self-development to change.

​Fast forward many years and decades of self-development, I am now in my 50’s, I love life, I love people and live life complete free, free to say yes to new opportunities and experiences, and free to be completely me. My own version of me, an authentic person, with flaws, far from perfect, yet uniquely me. I guess I am super passionate about all things to do with self-development, spirituality, love and happiness.


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