How do you describe a hook-up? How do you describe casual sex? Is this something of interest to you? Even if it isn’t something you are interested in, do you understand why other people may be? There are many topics I invite experts to discuss with me that can help you to learn more options and about what makes other people “tick”. I like to understand people and their personalities and behavior and I’ve found that the more I learn about the options and activities we have in life – the more I can understand people and their choices. And, the less I feel the need to judge people. Sarah Martin is my guest for this show, and we hope you will join us for this lively conversation. If you miss it on air, the replay will be shared, after the premier.

Premiere Thursday, November 18th, 2021 at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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Details about the Love & Relationship Coaching Program that Nikki completed - take a look at the classes that are included....

Article Link for How to Talk About Sex, Before Sex -

We discussed Sarah’s Desire Audits - one off sessions that help you get crystal clear on your desires for dating. For a lot of people, desires start out as very abstract - “a girlfriend” or “more sex” or “able to just be myself”. A Desire Audit digs deeper and makes these desires more concrete. To experience more of what you want, you first have to know what that is!

You can book YOUR Desire Audit here:

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You are invited to reach out to me at [email protected] or call 518-740-0921.

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Some Questions We Discuss -

How would you define casual sex? And how would you define a hook-up?Are casual sex or hook-ups for everyone?What kinds of relationships “count” as casual sex? What differentiates these kinds of relationships from each other?Why does casual sex have such a bad reputation?What challenges are faced by women when it comes to casual sex and hook-ups?What challenges are faced by men when it comes to casual sex and hook-ups?What can be done to make hook-ups connected, compassionate, and pleasurable?How can you get started with casual sex?Where is the best place to meet partners for casual relationships?If a long-term or committed relationship is your ultimate goal, are casual sex and hook-ups the way to find it?Do hook-ups ever turn into longer relationships?
About Sarah Martin – Dignified Hedonist

Sarah Martin is the Dating Coach for people who want sex to be a priority in their relationships, from one night stands through to lifelong marriages. Sarah is the creator of the Dignified Hedonist framework, a proven system for supercharging your dating and relationship success. Sarah has worked with hundreds of clients all over the world through workshops, courses, and results-focused 1:1 coaching.

Sarah operates her private practice out of Vilnius, Lithuania, where she serves clients online worldwide.

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