This week on Ready for Love Radio, my guest is Ambika Devi. She does all sorts of work. We will talk about some of those today. Everything from Art to Music to Yoga and many things in between. And, I’ve included links below to her social media and website links for you to peruse her website and social media after the show But, for now, just tune in when the clock strikes time to start and let’s have a lively conversation. The replay will be below for your friends and family to tune in later if they missed the show. As always, the show tunes in on New Visions Radio and Tune In Radio.

Premiere Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

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Some of the Questions We Discuss –

1. How did you come up with the idea for your newest book that has just been released, Cupid is a Bastard?

2. Why do you find the topic of love important?

3. What is your creative process?

4. How do you handle writer’s block?

5. How do you keep creativity flowing?

6. What advice do you have for budding writers?

7. Where can my listeners find your books?

8. How can my listeners contact you?

9. Ambika is a certified Zentangle™ Method Teacher and Trainer. This gives you the ability to combine creativity with relaxation and moving meditation.

Contact Ambika Devi –

Website –

Facebook URL –

Twitter Name – @AmbikaDeviMA

On Spotify –

About Ambika Devi –

Ambika is on a peacebuilding mission to help people realize their true nature so that they can step out of the churning river of thoughts and activity of the mind, stop wearing insane schedules like badges of honor, and begin their days reinforced with the calmness a meditation practice brings.

With 45 years of experience, 13,000 plus hours of study and having taught over 19,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika gives you five clear steps that lead you directly into a deep state of meditation. As your coach she places you precisely on your path using tools from her multiple degrees in fields of study including: A Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts.

As an international best-selling and award-winning author Ambika helps inspire your creativity. As your coach, she guides you to bring your vision of your book into reality. As a speaker she motivates and inspires audiences to feel empowered to transform themselves and help others. Ambika has appeared on The Learning Channel, syndicated and public radio, and in periodicals as a relationship and communication expert and taught Holistic Health at the university level for 21 years.

About Cupid is a Bastard –

I could quote mythology and tell you he is the illegitimate child of Venus. I could confess to being a bitter nutter who carries on conversations with apparitions. The result of too many ghostings? No one deserves being dropped without closure.

The truth is that my greatest loves and lovers have died. So have favorite friends, pets, and family. Love can be arduous but thankfully it hits exhilarating high-notes. The only way a fiercely creative like me can process this, is in my journal. In it, I watched the pen in my hand move with surreal speed, releasing a kraken of consciousness filling pages.

Could this book and Cupid possibly help me get future dates? This depends on the suitor’s sense of humor and his vitality. Go on, crack it open!