Have you ever wondered; Am I Normal If? Do I fit in? Many people ask themselves those questions. I say we ask, “what is natural… for ME?”

This book is the journey of my life’s work and now I am sharing what I learned with YOU! In my work (my life’s mission), I discovered the answer to “what is natural for you”, through exploring three main ingredients. First is nature, what you absorb from your parents. Second is nurture, what you are handed through early life messages. Third is what I call “Plain Damn You”. This is where we find your unique gifts, talents, and your fingerprint that only you bring to the planet.

Join Dr. Susan Kaye and myself as we discuss the publication of Am I Normal if – on this episode of Ready for Love Radio and we celebrate the release of the book and the 400th episode!

 Premiere Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT

Listen at www.newvisionsradio.com  

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You can also listen on http://tunein.com/radio/New-Visions-Radio-s291850/

If you miss the show, listen to the replay below – (www.lovecoachjourney.com/aminormalifthebook)

Am I Normal If – Paperback – https://www.amazon.com/Am-Normal-Dr-Susan-Kaye/dp/0578282216

Am I Normal If – Kindle – https://www.amazon.com/Am-Normal-If-Susan-Kaye-ebook/dp/B0B547HZYL

Questions About Susan:

Did you ever think we’d get to this point?Tell us about your history that brings us here today with a new book on the Amazon shelves.What was it like working for and learning from Masters & Johnson?Who or what was the most influences that set you on the integrative mind/body path?What were the biggest stumbling blocks to get to this life’s mission?
Questions About Am I Normal If:

What made you want to write a book?Did you have any real idea what writing a book involved?So how does it feel to have the book completed and on the shelf?What is the main message you are wanting folks to hear?What are you hoping they take with them into a relationship with themselves?What are you hoping for them in how they now do relationships with others?If you were to write another book what would it be about?
About Dr Susan Kaye –

Susan Kaye, Sexologist, Founder of Integrative Mind-Body Therapies, LLC, is a sexual wellbeing specialist with a Ph D in Human Sexuality, and 30 years of experience as a somatic practitioner. She has expertise as a tantra teacher, bodywork practitioner, Esalen massage therapist, and yoga instructor. She also has decades of working in the sexual health field as a Sexologist, Sex Coach and Sex Educator. 

Why work with Susan?  Longevity. She began her career working with cutting-edge Sexological Researchers Bill Masters and Virginia Johnson. She has been speaking and teaching their Body Mind Healing Process for the past 30 years. Their research on arousal and pleasure, and the activities they developed to increase those feelings, is what sex therapists around the world use to structure client care.

These combined years of bringing body and sex-positive teachings to communities around the country have required multiple leaps of faith. There have been explanations at family dinners and hopping on many lily pads to become a trained bodywork therapist as well as a clinical counselor and coach. She believes in offering clients total mind-body wellness by connecting them with talk therapists as well as somatic experts to help them embody the healing they are seeking.

Dr Susan Kaye Website – http://drsusankaye.com/

Integrative Mind-Body Therapies LLC – https://imbtinternational.com/


About Am I Normal If –

Do you seek an understanding and connection to your sensual, and sexual self? Do you want to shed the guilt and shame associated with the unique You with You? For nearly 40 years, I have supported others to develop and expand their mind-body awareness to lead to their deeper sensual, erotic, and sexual potential while gaining an understanding of themselves. Now, I share this invaluable information with you through this book to support your journey to (as Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy teaches) self- actualization.

Join me on the journey to experience greater body-mind wellness, and connection with yourself and others. This expansion of the awareness of your authentic mind-body is called You with You. This, dear knowledge seeker, is why we are here in our bodies, your most unique friend best
known as Plain Damn You.