Our guest this week is a top US mythic raider, Recruitie! He is a boomkin main in Fused that Zax raided within Uldir and BoD. You've probably seen his name in boomkin Warcraftlogs rankings if you ever look at those, because...he kinda owns. We talked about some of the boomkin changes for Shadowlands, compared some Shadowlands features to other expansions, and gave our thoughts on the very unfortunate news surrounding the Method organization.  Thank you to Recruitie for coming on the show, and we look forward to having him on again in the future! 

Check out his stream: https://www.twitch.tv/recruitie  

The RCP Podcast is live on Twitch/YouTube every Friday around 3pm EST! We release the podcast as a YouTube video every Saturday. Let us know which guests you want to see come on the show!  

Jim's stream: https://www.twitch.tv/jimfro 

Zax's stream: https://www.twitch.tv/zaxachi  

Consider supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/readycheckpull  

Come hang out in our Discord:  https://discord.gg/76eqE5c  

#WorldOfWarcraft #Podcast #ReadyCheckPull