Previous Episode: 88. Modern Man
Next Episode: 90. Relationship Hacks

Why name your podcast "Reading Aloud" when you don't actually read aloud in the podcast? What effect has hosting a podcast had on your life? Marisol and Adam kick off the podcast with the explanation as to why the Reading Aloud Podcast, is called "Reading Aloud." The couple also discusses opening up their lives to let the world listen in.

The Asheville couple explains that the podcast all got started when they presented a Pecha Kucha (pronounced PEA CHA KU CHA.) A storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each. Their Pecha Kucha touched on the idea that a shared lens creates a deeper understanding of one another and builds a united foundation on which to learn.

The conversation turns to the idea of "letting it all hang out." Recording their lives through the good, the bad, the difficult, and the drunk. When you listen to the Reading Aloud podcast you are opening a door into their lives, but are Marisol and Adam really comfortable with that? Adam wonders out loud if they are really opening that door as wide as possible and what it would look like if they pressed record for everything. Marisol expresses hesitation around the idea, with lack of context and entering in at the middle point of learning. The couple then shares times that they have not recoded and released in real time (IVF, Birth, Big Fights) and they toy with the idea of being even more open and letting the audience here an unedited version of episodes or getting even more raw on the podcast. They leave the answer up in the air for now, but recognize that the more open they are, the more opportunities they have to help someone else.

Adam and Marisol close out the episode with the question, Are we keepers of relationship wisdom?

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Want to know more about Marisol’s company, SolReflection? 

SolReflection is Therapeutic Image Consulting, what you wear and how you wear it is more than a fashion statement; it’s a powerful reflection of your true self!

Visit or follow along on her instagram

What to know more about what Adam does with Modern Man? 

Reach out to Adam [email protected]