Previous Episode: 83. Blue Christmas

How do we hold space for our partner's greatness? How do we hold space silently for others? How do you balance being quiet and strong while still holding one anther accountable? How has the Patriarchy kept men from being able to hold space for their wives or for friends?

These questions and more shape the conversation on todays episode of Reading Aloud. Marisol and Adam contemplate men's emerging role in society and how we can give power to women rising. Marisol explains the concept of an energetic match and recounts past relationships where that were a mismatch. She elaborates on how being in relationship with Adam has helped her to find a energetic balance. They both discuss how parenthood and having a baby has changed their energy and they way the show up in their marriage for each other.

Adam explains to Marisol that he spoke with a friend this week about his friends desire to date an spectacular woman and how he needed to show up in that space to both feel worthy of finding a partner and how he navigates being spectacular himself. Adam then lays out the male role and what it visually represents to him in a modern world. Men being able to hold space for women and support them in their endeavors, in a quite and strong way, sans ego. This is a new concept as many men are in the center of the world with women silently doing all of of the work to hold that space. Because of the patriarchy men have always been the riser and women doing the silent support. Marisol notes that women are great at holding space for others, in relationships, at work, and in friendships.

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