Next Episode: 186. Emotional Labor

You can disagree with someone and still respect them. You can love parenthood and be resentful of what it did to your body. You can love your husband and not like him in the same moment.

Holding two truths can be both difficult and necessary.

Marisol and Adam reckon with dialectical thinking in this episode as they hold space for both not wanting to have their child undergo surgery, and having their child undergo surgery. Neo had eye surgery this past week and as he recovers, Marisol and Adam recount their experience with both Western and Alternative medicine. As a follow-up to last weeks episode, Adam recounts a dehumanizing conversation with his sons Doctor after asking a question about his medical care and treatment. Adam explains how the couple often finds themselves in the middle when it comes to medical care (and many other issues). Listen in as the couple discusses holding multiple truths, like "science is real" and "other alternatives may work too" and how these concepts are often met with shame, dismissal, and judgement, instead of a more open and respectful conversation.

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